Sunday, June 15, 2014

Interactive Evangelistic Tool?

One day a few years ago, I was imagining how to prepare students to deal with false religious ideas with which they are confronted in evangelism.  Since teens can spend numbers of hours gaming, I wondered what would happen if evangelistic / apologetics scenarios were placed into an interactive computer format.  My husband does quite a bit of research dealing with false religions and cults, and I considered the numbers of Bible verses that specifically speak to areas such as the Trinity, the depravity of man, the deity of Christ, etc. 

When I asked a computer guy I know about how such an interactive approach might be developed, he said it would be tricky but, with hours of brain work developing various scenarios, such an idea could be feasible.  The work seemed daunting, so I never looked any further into it.  But as I’ve been thinking . . . maybe  we as a Sunday School class could work to come up with several possible scenarios to use and if some idea like this develops, then we could work together to formulate it. 

Any ideas?  Feel free to share your suggestions.  I'm hoping this blog can be a meaningful extension of our class!  For starters, I've come up with something I've called Interactive question #1, which I'll post next.  Please, share your experiences and, thanks in advance for doing so!  Your input has the potential of proving invaluable in the cause for Christ!

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